Peer-Reviewed Publikationen
Sielhorst J, Koether K, Volkmann N, Blanco M, Vicioso R, Baade S, Kemper N, de Mestre AM, Sieme H. Occurrence of ultrasonographic assessed placental abnormalities, treatments, pregnancy outcome, and subsequent fertility on a large warmblood stud farm: A retrospective field study. J Equine Vet Sci. 2024 May 1;137:105076. doi: 10.1016/j.jevs.2024.105076. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38697370.
- Success rates and factors influencing pregnancy outcome after 464 transvaginal ultrasound-guided twin reductions in the mare.
Sielhorst J, Baade S, Neudeck KC, Tönissen A, Rohn K, Hollinshead F, Sieme H.
Equine Vet J.2024;1–9 - Sielhorst J, Roggel-Buecker U, Neudeck KC, Kahler A, Rohn K, Luettgenau J, Bollwein H, Hollinshead F, Sieme H.
Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid on Uterine Blood Flow, Gestation Length, Foal Birth Weight and Placental Weight in Pregnant Thoroughbred Mares - A Clinical Pilot Study.
J Equine Vet Sci. 2022 Nov;118:104107. - Rau J, Tiedemann D, Sielhorst J, Tönissen A, Burger D, Martinsson G, Rohn K, Oldenhof H, Sieme H.
Effects of mares' age and day of gestation on efficacy of transvaginal ultrasound-guided twin reduction.
Tierarztl Prax Ausg G Grosstiere Nutztiere. 2018 Jun;46(3):172-177. - Dorrego Keiter E, Tóth J, Dikker L, Sielhorst J, Schusser GF.
„Langzeitergebnisse der Pars-Plana-Vitrektomie in Abhängigkeit vom Leptospiren-Antikörper-Nachweis im Glaskörper bei 118 Pferden mit Equiner Rezidivierender Uveitis (ERU)“
Pferdeheilkunde 33 (2017) 2; 112-118. - Spilker KC, Sielhorst J, Martinsson G, Pricking S, Hassler W, Boese R, Rohn K, Sieme H.
„Accuracy of different endometrial swabbing techniques in the mare“
Pferdeheilkunde 33 (2017) 2; 172-178. - Sielhorst J, Hagen C, Behrendt D, Schütte B, Burger D, Martinson G, Sieme H.
„Effect of Multiple Freezing of Stallion Semen on Sperm Quality and Fertility”
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 40 (2016) 56-61. - Dorrego Keiter E, Tóth J, Dikker L, Sielhorst J, Schusser GF.
“Detection of leptospira by culture of vitreous humor and detection of antibodies against leptospira in vitreous humor and serum of 225 horses with equine recurrent uveitis”
Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr. 2016 May-Jun;129(5-6):209-15. - Tönissen A, Martinsson G, Pricking S, Otzen H, Ertmer F, Rau J, Sielhorst J, Rohn K, Sieme H.
“Transabdominal ultrasonographic determination of fetal gender in the horse during mid-gestation”
Pferdeheilkunde 32(2016)1; 30-35. - Schönbom H, Kassens A, Hopster-Iversen C, Klewitz J, Piechotta M, Martinsson G, Kißler A, Burger D, Sieme H.
“Influence of transrectal and transabdominal ultrasound examination on salivary cortisol, heart rate, and heart rate variability in mares.”
Theriogenology. 2015 Mar 1;83(4):749-56 - Seehafer H, Oldenhof H, Kassens A, Klewitz J, Ulrich R, Martinsson G, Rohn K, Baumgärtner W, Sieme H.
“Sonographic parameters for assessment of fetal well-being in mid-gestation in German Thoroughbred mares “
Pferdeheilkunde 31 (2015) 5 477-484 - Klewitz J, Struebing C, Rohn K, Goergens A, Martinsson G, Ortgies F, Probst J, Hollinshead F, Bollwein H, Sieme H.
„Effects of age, parity and pregnancy abnormalities on foal birth weight and uterine blood flow in the mare.“
Theriogenology. 2015 Mar 1;83(4):721-9 - Tönissen A, Sieme H, Martinsson G, Otzen H, Schürmann K, Schütze S, Ertmer F, Kassens A, Sielhorst J, Brehm R.
„To perform fetal gender determination in the mare by ultrasound during early and advanced gestation”
Pferdeheilkunde 31(2015)2; 153-158. - Klewitz J, Krekeler N, Ortgies F, Heberling A, Linke C, Sieme H.
“Evaluation of pregnancy and foaling rates after reduction of twin pregnancy via transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration in mares.”
J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2013 Feb 15;242(4):527-32. - Stuhtmann G, Oldenhof H, Peters P, Klewitz J, Martinsson G, Sieme H.
“Iodixanol density gradient centrifugation for selecting stallion sperm for cold storage and cryopreservation.”
Anim Reprod Sci. 2012 Aug;133(3-4):184-90. - Klewitz J, Probst J, Baackmann C, Keppler S, Ortgies F, Heberling A, Strübung C, Heutelbeck A, Börgel C, Sieme H.
„Plugged ampullae – a case report of azoospermia in the stallion“
Pferdeheilkunde 28 (2012) 1; 14-17 - Ortgies F, Klewitz J, Görgens A, Martinsson G, Sieme H.
“Effect of procaine, pentoxifylline and trolox on capacitation and hyperactivation of stallion spermatozoa.”
Andrologia. 2012 May;44 Suppl 1:130-8. - Giesecke K, Hamann H, Stock KF, Klewitz J, Martinsson G, Distl O, Sieme H.
Evaluation of ACE, SP17, and FSHB as candidates for stallion fertility in Hanoverian warmblood horses.
Anim Reprod Sci. 2011 Jul;126(3-4):200-6. - Osmers J H, Martinsson G, Klewitz J, Linke C, Zarembac W, Sieme H
“A single intramuscular injection of Gonadorelin [6-D-Phe] induces ovulation in the mare“
Pferdeheilkunde 27 (2011) 3; 220-223 - Klewitz J, Heberling A, Ortgies F, Sieme H.
“Success rates after transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration and fetal puncture in the mare”
Pferdeheilkunde 26 (2010) 6; 797-803 - Klewitz J, Heer P, Behrendt D, Probst J, Martinsson G, Sieme H.
“Embryotransfer beim Pferd”
Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology, 3/2010 - Köllmann M, Probst J, Baackmann C, Klewitz J, Squires ES, Sieme H.
“Embryo revovery rate following superovulation with equine pituitary extract (eFSH®) in mares”
Pferdeheilkunde 24 (3); 397 – 405 - Volkmann DH, Kutzler MA, Wheeler R, Krekeler N, Klewitz J, Lamp SV
“Failure of hCG to support luteal function in bitches after estrus induction using deslorelin implants”
Theriogenology. 2006 Oct;66(6-7):1502-6
- Sielhorst J, Koether K, Blanco M, Vicioso R, Volkmann N, Kemper N, de Mestre AM, Sieme H.
Placentitis occurence, treatments, pregnancy outcome, and subsequent fertility on a large warmblood stud farm: a retrospective field study.
Accepted Abstract in: Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 2023 - Sielhorst J, Bücker U, Kahler A, Martinson G, Rohn K, Bollwein H, Koch R, Pfarrer C, Sieme H.
Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid on Uterine Blood Flow and Feto-Placental Development in Pregnant Mares.
Abstract in: Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 66 (2018 ) s233 - Sielhorst J, Spilker KC, Martinsson G, Hassler W, Burger D,Sieme H.
“Sensitivity and specificity of different endometrial swabbing techniques and their invasiveness and practicability in stud farm medicine”
Abstract in: Reproduction in Domestic Animals (2018), Vol 53 (s1), p 36 - Mönnig F, Richter J, Sielhorst J, Martinsson G, Schöniger S, Schoon HA, Burger D, Morrell JM, Sieme H.
“Influence of artificial insemination technique and single-layer centrifugation of semen on post breeding endometritis in the mare”
Abstract in: Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 43 (2016 ) s75-s76 - Klewitz J, Kirchner J, Martinsson G, Sieme H.
“Simultaneous computerassisted evaluation of motility and membrane integrity in stallion spermatozoa”
Abstract in: Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Vol 45(s1) 2010 - Stuthmann G, Martinsson G, Keppler S, et al.
“EquiPure (TM) Pro, a method for sperm clean-up and selection of stallion spermatozoa”
Abstract in: Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Vol 45(s1) 2010 - Klewitz J, Martinsson G, Sieme H.
“Flowcytometric evaluation of capacitation and acrosome reaction of stallion spermatozoa fertility”
Abstract in: Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Vol 44(s3) 2009, page 112 - Klewitz J, Behrendt D, Martinsson C, Sieme H.
“Effect of semen storage on sperm chromatin integrity and its relationship to fertility”
Abstract in: Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Vol 44(s3) 2009, page 111 - Klewitz J, Hagen C, Behrendt D, Martinsson G, Sieme H.
“Effect of multiple freezing of stallion semen on sperm quality and fertility”
Abstract in: Animal Reproduction Science, Vol 107 (3-4) 2008, page 327-328 - Sieme, H.; Hoffmann, N.; Morandini, C.; et al.
„Effects of alternative cryoprotectants on sperm quality after freezing stallion semen”
Abstract in Reproduction in Domestic Animals (2007)
Further publications
- Sielhorst J. „EHV-Impfung -Herpes-Impfpflicht bleibt bestehen“ Pferdespiegel 2/2023
- Sielhorst J. „Leitfaden für die Pferdezucht“ MSD Tiergesundheit 2022
- Sielhorst J. „Regelmäßige Live-Online Seminare der GPM und Entwicklung der GPM-Webinar-Plattform“ Pferdespiegel 3/2022
- Sielhorst J. „GPM-Kaufuntersuchung(digital) und häufig gestellte Fragen zur Kaufuntersuchung des Pferdes“ Pferdespiegel 2/2022
- Sielhorst J. „Die neue EU-Tierarzneimittelverordnung und das neue nationale Tierarzneimittelgesetz“ Pferdespiegel 1/2022
- Tönissen A, Köhne M, Sielhorst J, Sieme H. „Nachgeburtsverhaltung bei der Stute – Empfehlungen zum Management und Therapie“ Pferdespiegel 2021; 24:17-27
- Sielhorst J, Köhne M, Spilker K-C, Kahler A, Brekle C, Tönissen A, Burger D, Sieme H. „Aktuelle Empfehlungen zur Diagnostik und Therapie der Endometritis bei der Stute“ Pferdespiegel 6, 2019
- Sielhorst J, Jacobs BJ, Brockmann A. „Embryotransfer“ -Auf ein Wort Landgestüt Celle 2019
- Sielhorst J, Aurich C, Handler J, Franzky A. „Embryotransfer bei Stuten – Profit zulasten der Gesundheit“ Reiter Revue International 7/2018
- Vernunft A, Sielhorst J. “Embryotransfer und assozierte Techniken beim Pferd: Stand und Perpektiven“ Pferdespiegel 3, 2017, 13-17
- Sielhorst J, Burger D, Sieme H.„Zyklusstörungen bei der Stute“, Pferdespiegel 1, 2017
- Sielhorst J „Spülen und übertragen“ Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt 13/2015
- Sielhorst J „Die ersten Schritte ins Leben“ Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt 12/2015
- Sielhorst J „Zwillinge – was tun?“ Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt 11/2015
- Sielhorst J „Die tragende Stute“ Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt 10/2015
- Sielhorst J „Samen in die Stute“ Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt 9/2015
- Sielhorst J „Fit für’s Fohlen“ Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt 8/2015
- Sielhorst J. „Forschen für den Fortschritt“ -Auf ein Wort Landgestüt Celle Ausgabe 1/2014
- Vernunft A, Klewitz J. „Stand des Embryotransfers und assoziierter Techniken beim Pferd“ Veterinäspiegel 1/2014
- Klewitz J, Ortgies F, Martinsson G, Sieme H. “Management von Zwillingsträchtigkeiten bei der Stute” Pferdespiegel 4/2010